Monday, January 31, 2011


We all know that heels can stink. They can kill your feet, sending pains through your whole body or your whole foot. If they don't fit right they can squeeze your toes or smash them together. They can rub the back of your ankles, or leave blisters. We have all been there, done that. Heels can change your whole outfit, it can spice up a simple pair of jeans. They change everything, and can really class it up. The right heels can change your whole day, and cheer you up. Everyone gets that certain feeling when they get that new pair of heels, those beautiful tall pumps with the gorgeous shape and colour you desire. There are so many different types and sizes of heels, with different shapes and colours.

The leopard print heels, have a thin heel and they have a pointed toe. The back that goes to the heel looks sharp, they're beautiful shoes but they would cut into the back of your ankle. To prevent that, you should bend the back and put vasaline on them. They will be a lot softer, and won't rub or cut into the back of your heel anymore. Both shoes have the exact same shape, but they have different colours and they have different colours. The blue shoes have flowers on them, which would look good with dark skinny jeans and a tighter top of the same shade.

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