Monday, January 31, 2011


I love the Ralph Lauren military jacket.
The outfit all together looks like she's ready to play polo.
The red is a beautiful color, with the round large gold buttons to match the stitching around the bottom. The black cuffs change the jacket up a little bit, and the shoulders material is adorable.
To me, this looks very classic Ralph Lauren.
However, the pants and shoes are very bland.

I love this outfit.
I love how unique it is.
The glasses are big, and totally not in style but look cute on her face.
The bag ties in beautifully with her belt.
The skirt is unique with the navy material that has white birds on it.
Her velvet purse with the grey bottom ties in with her blazer. It look vintage, and i love it.
The purse IS in style right now, the long strap and big sack.
A chanel tee-shirt that take this down a notch, and dresses it down a little.
Her tights are lovely, with the see-through and dark polka dots.
However, I don't care for her shoes. They look dirty to me.

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